Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

White Cloudz B.V., located at Keizergracht 520-H, 1017 EK Amsterdam.

We respect the privacy of our website and social media visitors. And our customers. We store and process personal data only for the purpose for which it was provided and in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act, the Telecommunications Act and the GDPR. Example: when delivering an order and paying the invoice, your address and invoice details will only be used for this purpose.

This privacy policy applies to the use of the website and the services provided by White CLoudz BV. The starting date for the validity of these conditions is 28/05/2018, with the publication of a new version the validity of all previous versions expires.

This privacy policy describes what information we collect from you, what we use this information for and with whom and under what conditions we may share it. We also explain to you how we store your data, how we protect it against misuse and what rights you have regarding the personal data you provide to us.

About us

The website is managed by White Cloudz BV. White Cloudz BV is the controller for the processing of your personal data within the meaning of the Personal Data Protection Act (hereinafter: Wbp).

Our details are:

White Cloudz BV
Keizersgracht 520-H
1017 EK Amsterdam

What data do we collect?

When you register online for our newsletter, complete our contact form, request a quote, place an order or make other requests for one of our services or products, we ask you to fill in details. We only process the data that you provide to us yourself. This could be the following data:

  • First and last name
  • Email address
  • Telephone number
  • Company name
  • Street and house number
  • Place of residence
  • Chamber of Commerce number
  • Gender
  • IP address
  • Username

Data collected automatically by our website is processed with the aim of further improving our services. This data (for example your IP address, web browser and operating system) is not personal data.

Why do we store your data?

The data is collected and stored for the following purposes:

  • To respond after you have completed a (contact) form
  • To analyze statistics and trends in visitor behavior on our website
  • To make you a quote and send it to you
  • For the execution of the order and the related service

With whom do we share your personal data?

Our website was developed with Shopware software. We chose Hostnet for our web hosting. Personal data that you make available to us for the performance of our services will be shared with this party. Hostnet has access to your data to support us (technically). They will never use your data for any other purpose. Based on the agreement we concluded with them, Hostnet is obliged to take appropriate security measures. These security measures consist of the application of SSL encryption and a strong password policy. Backups are made regularly to prevent data loss. More information about Hostnet B.V.'s privacy policy. you can find  here.

In appropriate cases, Sublime Sleep may be required by law to share your data in connection with government tax or criminal investigations. In such a case we are forced to share your data, but we will oppose this within the possibilities offered by the law.

Personal data security

We have taken appropriate technical measures to protect personal data against loss or other forms of unlawful processing. These measures, including encryption using an SSL certificate and two-factor authentication, ensure a level of security that suits the data we process.


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